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Do not let lying become a habit

The child who exagerates, tells lies or distorts the truth does so for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they feel that they are not liked (for reasons often unknown) and will tell lies to make the listener like him/her more. They have learned that some forms of distoring the truth get them some attention; this sometimes compensates for their feelings of inadequacies. Sometimes the child will lie to avoid being reprimanded or to avoid consequences that they believe will happen with a truth. Some children lie to get others into trouble, these children are often in trouble themselves. Children often lie to avoid tasks, a child will say that their homework is done in order to do something more pleasurable. Children don't like to get caught when misbehaving and will often lie or stretch the truth.
We must remember though, chronic or habitual liars rarely feel good about themselves. Look for patterns in the child's lying, does the lying only occur at specific times or in specific situations? Try and determine what the child's needs are that makes him/her want to lie.
  • Always model 'telling the truth', avoid 'little white lies.
  • Teach your child through role playing, the value of telling the truth. This will take time and some patience.
  • Role play the potential devestating consequences of lying.
  • Do not accept excuses for lying, lying is not acceptable.
  • Children should understand the hurtful consequences of lying and whenever possible, they should apologize for lying.
  • Logical consequences need to be in place for the child who lies.
  • No matter what, children need to know that lying is never acceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Children often lie to keep their parents or teacher happy, they need to know that you value the truth much more than a small act of misbehavior.
  • Children need to be part of the solution and or consequences. Ask them what they are prepared to give or do as a result of the lie.
  • Remind the child that you're upset with what he/she did. Reinforce that it's not the child but what he/she did that upset you and let him/her know that you are disappointed. You know the saying - bring them up before you bring them down. For instance: "It is so unlike you to lie about your homework, you're so good at getting things done and staying on top of things."
  • Praise the truth! Catch them telling the truth at a time when you know they would like to sugar coat a situation.
  • Avoid lectures and quick irrational decisions. E.g., if you lie again, you'll be grounded for a year!"
    Never forget that ALL children need to know you care about them and that they can contribute in a positive way. It took the child a long time to become a master of distorting the truth, exagerating, lying chronically, be consistent, patient and understand that change will take time.


ماذا بعد؟؟

 نظام مجرم اعتاد على القيام بأبشع المجازر وأشنعها منذ بداية الثورة إضافة لتلذذه بقتل الأطفال والنساء , وكأنما قلوبهم حجر أو أصبحوا وحوش بشكل إنسان، منذ أيام وقعت مجزرة في مدينة الحولة بحمص ثم حي مشاع الفروسية بحماه ثم الحفة ,تتالت المجازر والقاتل واحد.

يوم 6-6-2012 قامت عصابات الأمن والشبيحة بقصف مزرعة القبير الواقعة غربي مدينة حماة ب 20 كيلومتر وتبعد عن قرية معرزاف 2 كيلومتر , بدأ القصف عند الساعة الواحدة ظهرا مما أدى إلى استشهاد 9 أشخاص نتيجة القصف , ولم يكتفوا بذلك بل وهاجمتها الشبيحة بالاشتراك مع القرى الموالية للنظام كقرية أصيلة وميليشيات الأسد بالسكاكين والأسلحة النارية والبيضاء حيث دخلوا إلى مزرعة القبير وسط إطلاق نار كثيف جدا , بعد ذلك قاموا بمداهمة بيوت الآمنين هناك وإطلاق النار عليهم بشكل عشوائي دون التمييز بين صغير أو كبير , ثم قادت العديد من الرجال إلى خارج بيوتهم وذبحوهم بالسلاح الأبيض, ليس هذا وحسب بل وأحرقوا أكثر من عشرة جثث بعد تصفيتها واستمروا على ذلك حتى قتلوا كل من في هذه المزرعة غير شخص واحد نجى بأعجوبة , علما بأن هذا المكان أو البلدة الصغيرة لا يتجاوز عدد سكانها 250 شخصا حيث لا يوجد فيها سوى 20 منزل فقط وأغلب القاطنين بها من عائلة واحدة وهم أبناء أخوال وأعمام , قتلوا دون رحمة أو ذرة من شفقة على الأطفال الأبرياء حتى , راح ضحية هذه المجزرة حوالي 88 شهيدا ، بينهم ست جثث وجدت متفحمة في كفرزيتا، و78 شهيداً في مجزرة القبير قرب معرزاف، أكثر من أربعين منهم من عائلة واحدة، ومعظمهم من النساء والأطفال، ولم يصل سوى 60 اسم شهيد رحمهم الله ..

وقامت قوات الأمن بخطف أكثر من 37 جثة علما أن المكان الذي حدثت فيه المجزرة لم تخرج فيه أية مظاهرات ولم يكن متوقع أصلا أن يحدث بها شيء من هذا القبيل , بل كل ما في الأمر تعرضت لغدر من قبل قوات النظام لمجرد كونهم غير مؤيدين لهذا النظام المجرم.

مزرعة القبير - الاطفال الذين تم ذبحهم على ايدي ميليشيات النظام بمجزرة القبير 6-6-2012

A new massacre

129 people dead, mostly shot by the forces of order in the massacre of Hama Brief
Syrian opposition has accused the Syrian regime of committing a new massacre in the village on Wednesday and Alaqbir Marzaf Brief protectors of central Syria, killed about one hundred people, but an official source in the province of Hama, Syria denied the accusation at dawn on Thursday, stressing that such reports "completely untrue".

The official media in the Syrian National Council Mohammed Alsermene "There are about 100 people in farm Alaqbir of the town Marzaf some of them were killed with knives, including twenty children, some no more than two years, and twenty women," and accused forces the Syrian regime and Cbihh committing this massacre.

He said that among the victims Alsermene also 24 people from one family, which made the death toll on Wednesday, more than 140 people in Syria, according to activists.

Mahmoud al-Jassem - a witness - in connection to Al-Jazeera, said that groups of armed men loyal to the regime raided 18 houses farm Alaqbir in the village of Marzaf Brief protectors of Wednesday afternoon, and executed all of the bullets and bladed weapons, and added that they burned all the houses and the bodies of the victims before their withdrawal.

The broadcast images of activists on the Internet showing the bodies they said the number of victims of the massacre, which comes just days after the Hula massacre which aroused wide reactions in the world.

In turn, confirmed the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and the massacre, said director Rami Abdel Rahman, "sources are identical from the region that after the bombing of the Syrian forces to Aqbir and Marzaf, the groups of Cbihh They have killed dozens of people in the region with knives and a firearm."
Demonstrations of the night came in the areas of
Idleb, Damascus and its countryside

Video shows the killed children in the massacre of Alaqbir farm:


Food Child Abuse

When I hear parents say things like, ‘my child will only eat chips or chicken nuggets,’ I am dismayed to think that their child has access to such rubbish daily. I am equally distressed when parents insist that their child will not eat healthier food choices like fruit and vegetables etc. In my experience, most children eat when they are hungry and it is parents who choose what is available, not babies, toddlers and kids.  Parents also decide what to consume in front of their children; where to take them to dine and what groceries to allow into our homes.  If you want your child to get the maximum out of every aspect of their life, be a strong healthy role model and ensure that your child has access to a healthy diet every day.  Educate your child to understand the benefits of eating correctly and the detriment of eating junk food.

Too many parents fail miserably when it comes to providing their children with a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet.  I am constantly shocked and disgusted when I shop at the supermarket and see the amount of flavored sodas, potato chips, starchy sugary white breads and processed frozen foods in people’s trolleys.  Even driving past fast food outlets and seeing people inside with their children makes me feel nauseous.

Regardless of how many media articles feature the consequences of consuming excess sugars, fat and additives, people see fit to have their fill of these empty artery hardening calories.  They make up excuses that are not remotely plausible and many of them blame external influences for their choices.  It is one thing to deny yourself an adequately nutritional diet, however to role model such disgraceful eating habits to your child is worse.  It is arguably criminal, (yes, some countries are considering legislation regarding obesity etc) to continually provide junk food to your children.  Our kids are not garbage compactors, they are little people who have living cells, arteries, muscles, bones and brains that require nutritious fuel to enable them to reach their full potential physically and mentally.

It is not only neglectful of parents to make the choices that lead to this disease amongst children; it is abusive and child protection agencies are beginning to recognize it as such.  Even if your child does not look fat, if you are constantly letting them eat fatty, sugary processed foods, they aren't going to be in the peak of health.

  No child would choose to be overweight, ridiculed, weak, sleepy, hyper-active, diabetic, die young or any of the other side effects of malnutrition from a diet of junky fat and sugary food and drinks.  How could a parent who claims to love their child make that choice for them and get away with it?  Governments should not have to make legislation, or foot the bill for the medical strain poor parenting decisions have on the health of our population.  It is up to parents, guardians and other role models in our children’s lives to step and be accountable for the ongoing health and happiness of ours and future generations. 

be a good role model 
stop food abuse..stop child abuse