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Self-doubt seeds

92% of the teen girls would like to change something about the way they look,
 With body weight ranking the highest, 75% of these teenage girls felt depressed,
Guilty and shameful after spending just three minutes leafing through a fashion magazine. 25% would consider undergoing plastic surgery, And only 2% would describe themselves as beautiful. 

A severe lack of self-esteem is an extreme issue prevalent among today’s teen girls. 
These small seeds of self-doubt are what lead to depression, eating disorders and introversion.

 The roots  of this problem is that 1 in 5 high school girls say they do not know three adults to whom to turn if they have a problem.

 By the time they are getting older, there is no undoing the damage, the simple reality is not that society is failing to provide role models, but that the standards for being a role model have drastically plummeted.

They need a reason to value themselves; the community we are looking to target is girls between the ages of 8 and 12, the age range during which girls are most impressionable and looking for guidance as insecurities begin to develop.

We need to plan initially reach out to girls in our local community we need to tell them that fashion and movie  stars are fake we need to show them that there are many important people that they can take as role models.

We should explain to them the idea is all about what you do to other and to world not about how do look like or what you wear!!  And to the head of the problem to the moms please please wake up stop talking about diets weights and plastic surgery, NEVER Critical of your teen girl if she got fat!! Be her role model be her shelter.

try to be a good role model..save the world save a child

Ana Insan